Monday 31 October 2011

Hello one and all (or more likely, hello solely to future me)!

Seeing as this is my first ever attempt at blogging I suppose I had best give my readers (how ever imaginary or unlikely they may be) a quick background on who I am and why I am writing this blog.

Let's start with the latter. I have been told many times I have the memory of a goldfish so I figured that a blog would be the best way for me to remember my "golden years." This way when I am old and children tremble at the thought of retrieving toys from my yard for fear I may eat them, I can remind my self (and anyone who will listen) that I was once moderately cool. 

At the very least that's what I'll tell them as I regale them with stories of my past while they (whoever "they" are) slowly shrivel up and die on the inside knowing that I have conned them into spending an uncomfortable amount of time with a weird old lady who likely smells faintly of death and old cheese (what a lovely picture I've painted of future me). 

Also, if I don't start writing some of this down now I may explode.

I guess I should say a little bit about myself. I am a 21 year old, female university student in Canada. I come from a caucasian, upper-middle class suburban family. I am a bit of a nerd. I currently live at school in a house with three other girls (they shall remain nameless until I can think of a proper pseudonym for them). This is our 3rd year in this house and we all met in residence during 1st year. I am also slightly neurotic, hence the vagueness of this post. I live in fear that what I write will somehow be traced back to me since some of it could be rather NSFW (I haven't really shown it yet but I swear a lot and a disturbing amount of my stories involve some form of alcohol) and I would like to one day become a real adult and have a job and make money and do whatever else it is that real adults do. 

In short please know now that all names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved (mostly me). 

If anyone is still reading this I applaud you because this was boring as shit. I promise to try and do better for future posting. 


P.S. Happy Halloween? I guess technically it is since it is 4:21 am . Fuck school tomorrow. Actually I'll probably still go since it's only 1 class and I pay for this shit.

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